Student Books – Early

The Early reading levels (6–11) build on and extend the emergent levels by slowly increasing the complexity of concepts in the texts, syntax and vocabulary. In the early levels, the length of the sentences and the text increases and the placement of text on the page varies.

Levels 6-11

Level 6

Making a Picture Dress-ups Pasta Party My Farm Mighty Machines Run Rabbit Run Stay Away! Dog School Rough and Smooth Dangerous Plants

Level 7

Gymnastics Working with Dad My Brother's Birthday Fishing Party Fancy That Our Market Wings In the Playground Seeds on the Move

Level 8

Hiding in the Sea Lizard's Tail The Cat and the Mouse Tidy Your Room The Train Race Mammals After the Storm After School Wheels Food for Animals

Level 9

Making Spaghetti Two Snakes Camping Goldilocks and the three Bears The Fox and The Snail Whales A Present for Our Teacher Eyes Kitchen Garden A Storm is Coming

Level 10

My Trip Baby Bear Goes Visiting Who's that Knocking At My Door? Sebastian's New Sister Reptiles Spiders Saving Up Using Colour Amazing Plants Old Cans and Cars

Level 11

Circus Boy Billy Banana The Picnic Flying Machine Your Amazing Body Gorillas Classroom Animals Kites Deserts Animal Close-ups
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